“A Spell for You”

January 1, 2017

Developing a beautiful, loving relationship with yourself and living the freedom and peace that comes with that is a very organic, deep process.  It takes intention and inspiration, gentleness and willingness.  We have to find and embrace the will to heal and give ourselves permission to change, even if it is scary and our old defenses and way of seeing the world has protected us and worked in many ways.  Once we actually open to the possibility to discover a caring, nurturing new reality for ourselves, it is time immerse ourselves in the transmission of love.  Find people who give to you so you can practice receiving, practices and habits that remind you how exquisite you and this life are, and art or experiences that inspire the feeling in you.  Try this poem by Rob Brezny out for size and breath with each line–soaking it up and letting it become reality inside you!

your debts forgiven

your wounds healed

your apologies accepted

your generosity expanded

your love educated

your desires clarified

your uniqueness unleashed

your untold stories heard

your insight heightened

your load lightened

your wildness rejuvenated

your leaks plugged

your courage stoked

your fears dissolved

your imagination fed

your creativity uncorked