Three Life Keys

Three Life Keys

A friend asked me, based on my experience as a psychologist watching people develop personally and interpersonally, what I think are the three most positively transformative lessons to help people enjoy life. Wow, narrow it to three! Here are some concepts that I can...
You Can Do It!

You Can Do It!

Thanks to our brain’s abundant neuroplasticity, we really can change! You can absolutely have the loving relationship with yourself that you want. Our brain learns through repetition, focused attention, and many other factors. We especially absorb experiences...
Letting Go

Letting Go

Learning to love yourself is a process of letting go. Letting go of the way you currently see yourself (and the comfort in that familiarity), of the past pain that created your self-image and the false beliefs from those experiences which continue to harm you, and of...
“A Spell for You”

“A Spell for You”

Developing a beautiful, loving relationship with yourself and living the freedom and peace that comes with that is a very organic, deep process.  It takes intention and inspiration, gentleness and willingness.  We have to find and embrace the will to heal and give...